By Chris Briscoe
Date: 15th February, 2017

We are living in turbulent times with our T.V. and smartphones being filled with images of public disorder, rioting and even violence. Two weeks ago when the Senior Editor of Breitbart News, Milo Yiannopoulos, was scheduled to speak at the University of California in Berkeley, certain Leftists within the University and outside, had already decided that they would do everything in their power to stop him speaking - to even resort to violence and anarchy; within the University, Leftist students had organised a demonstration to shut down Milo’s speech. Just because his view on a range of issues was Conservative which clashed with theirs, certain elements, whether inside or outside of the University, went on the rampage, destroying campus property, setting off fires in the grounds and were intent on violence; they accused his speech of being too inflammatory. Eventually the police had to shut down the University for a few hours and tell everyone to leave the grounds. Even they called the University and told them to cancel Milo’s speaking event, and the University promptly cancelled his speech. Milo was himself ready to give his speech but his speaking engagement was cancelled.

The level of public disturbance and anarchy had become so troublesome, the police were more concerned for people's safety than for Milo’s First or Second Amendment rights; since that night, the police and other authorities have been investigating and I heard they found that some of the more violent elements within the demonstrators had been “bus-loaded” in from outside. You can recognise them because they wore masks over their faces as they are too shameful and cowardly to show their faces; it looks like they were paid agitators employed by the likes of financiers, maybe even Mr. George Soros.

Even though under the American Constitution Milo’s speech is protected under the First and Second Amendments, they decided to shut down his speech. Therefore, because of a few violent and rogue elements, someone’s freedom to speak was stopped; this is from a University which fifty years ago was the cradle of free speech activism.

These rogue elements are doing exactly the same as what the Nazi’s did under Adolf Hitler; when Hitler was rising in power within Germany, the Nazi’s organised “nights of broken glass” when almost every shop window was smashed in Berlin; communists were rounded up and arrested. They were ejected from the local parliament, or worse killed. Winston Churchill said, “The fascists of the future will call themselves, anti-fascist.” And he wasn't talking about Hitler’s fascists.

These Anarchists who claim they represent the Liberals and the Leftists, (who most likely do because the left do not condemn them but support them and their tactics), resort to public violence and hooliganism to get their own way. They use fascist tactics, yet, they call the other side fascists because, in their universe, free-speech only means free-speech for those who live in their own universe; and anyone who doesn’t live in their universe but lives in the neighbouring universe, has to be shut down; in their universe they condemn anyone who wants to protect our borders as “racist” or “fascist.”Anyone who wants to ban foreigners they also call “racist” or “fascist” because in their universe they think everyone can live together and show each other mutual respect; in other words, their universe is a contrived world of whimsical thinking which bares no resemblance to our universe and reality.

The Liberals have a way with words: they call anyone who wants closed borders, "racist", "Islamphobic" and "Hitler." They call any one one who expresses his religious freedom,whose conscience is disagreeing with homosexuality, as speaking "hate-speech."

In my own country of Britain, I don’t have anything against foreigners, but what I am against is the thinking that foreigners can come and live in my country with British laws and values and replace them with their Sharia law; but the people from the Leftist universe see me as “a racist,” “a fascist” just as they see Donald Trump as “a fascist" because he speaks about his concerns which, after 8 years of Liberalism under President Obama, the Leftist universe would want such speech banned and classed as “hate speech.”  

In my own country of Britain from the 1950’s, Muslim people were allowed to enter and become citizens, but it would have been wiser to allow only people from Europe to immigrate because they share our religion and values, historically. But the religion of Islam wants to destroy us and destroy the Western world, and all the Western values we stand for, and if you don't believe that then just read a translation of the Quran, unless you are educated enough to read it in Arabic. And even if there are so called “peaceful Muslims", there are not enough of them to condemn the leadership of Islam who will not rest until they realize the teachings of Islam which is, “ISLAM WILL DOMINATE THE WORLD!”
and “Holy Jihad.”

For some strange reason, the Liberals cannot see this truth staring at them-  they either deny it or cannot see that there are enemies out there, who are now in our midst because, due to these naive Liberal forces, the Trojan Horse of Islam has penetrated our society and nation. And now that I have written that I will be branded “a racist”, “a “bigot” or one of these above names.

Thus, it’s high time that we introduced a new word into the English dictionary and English spoken world which defines a huge difference between being outright racist against a certain people group or nationality or person, and being just against a person’s thinking and lifestyle, whether they are white, black, or any creed; in today’s politically-correct climate, people are afraid to speak out without being branded “a racist, that they are concerned about how foreigners and Muslims want to replace our values with the Sharia Law; because of political correctness, people today are afraid to speak the truth in case they will be threatened or fined, or accused of “hate-speech.” Therefore we need a new  word introduced into our English Dictionary which means we are not against the person but against their thinking. This word can also define the Christian folks and other religious groups who are against people’s thinking. That word is antidea and is pronounced as aunty-dea. This word could define Christians who do not hate gays but hate what the gays practise and think. It can help other religious groups including Muslims who are also against the LGBT thinking.

Otherwise, we have the  bizarre situation where Donald Trump is branded “Hitler” in their universe because they don’t know who Hitler was; actually, Hitler, himself was politically a socialist who condemned the rich and blamed all of Germany’s woes on the Jews who owned much of Industrial Europe; politically, he was a communist rather than the right side of politics and the reason he shut down the communists was because their brand of communism was in competition to his. He was consolidating his power in the German parliament. He was also a Leftist and resorted to the same tactics as these people we see on T.V. and screens using violence when they cannot get their own way.  

Returning to the University of California, there are peaceful elements within their ranks, but the violent elements who are too ashamed and cowardly to show their faces and debate their position, ruin it for the peaceful demonstrators, as they resort to burning down sections of their university, burning the U.S. flag and going to any lengths of shutting down the other side’s free speech; therefore, only their universe or their opinion has a Constitutional right to free speech and demonstrate.

That’s why, when last month, the Liberals organized a Women's March, it was hailed as “a feminist movement for women”, but ‘feminism” to them means the type of feminism in their universe; their brand of feminism is only type they support.

For example, one day before the March for Women March, when a group of women wanted to march under the banner of pro-life, they were banned by the organizers. And also, there was one lady who calls herself a “feminist” but who is also pro-life who was banned from marching because they didn’t like her brand of feminism; so they only support free speech and the right to demonstrate if you are from their universe, which is a irony and hypocrisy. Only those women who are “pro-choice” were allowed to participate in the March for women, even though abortionists kill more potential women than anything else in the real world; but these abortionists like Planned Parenthood don’t live in the real world but live in their own protected self-righteous universe, even though in the universe of real reality, their organisation is anything but about planned pregnancy, and is actually both anti-parenthood as well as anti-man, anti-woman and anti-human! In fact, their organisation kill and scar more women’s lives than any other organisation, and help abortion to become a “choice of convenience” for those who predominantly didn't plan their pregnancies.

But when women who support life and are anti-abortion marched the next day in the March called, “March for Life”, I heard one commentator on the  T.V. show, “The View” say,”It’s so divisive!” Because in their universe they call any opinion which doesn't line up with their mindset as, “divisive”. So in their universe, their set of laws are unbalanced and they call all laws and interpret all laws according to their narrow worldview.

Therefore, they condemn all religious rights and laws, even written and enshrined within the American Constitution and the Ten Bill of Rights (ratified on December 15th 1791) which have existed for almost 230 years as anti-LGBT (as anti-Lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender) as “discriminatory”, and “bigoted” or  “homophobic”; anything the other side says when they want to defend their religious rights is condemned as “hate speech" and so needs to be shut down.

I am sure you have seen the way huge numbers of activists take to the streets and are carrying slick and professionally made placards with the words such as, “Trump not my President" or “No borders, No wall!”, with his face wearing a Hitler-style moustache; these elements in the crowd look like they are affiliated with some kind of organised criminal element because they look so organised and the materials they use, such as those placards look so well made. And within their throng of demonstrators there are elements who know that what they are doing is wrong because they cover their faces, and it looks very much like these are employed by the likes of unscrupulous individuals or financiers such as Mr. George Soros, who are willing and ready to release their money to sponsor hooligans, to undermine our laws and challenge the existing Government and democracy,  as well as its President because they don’t agree with him, or worse, because they just hate President Donald Trump.

And there are many activists who are ready to take up arms and resist the present Trump Administration and they think they are doing it in the name of activism or demonstration, but when they are asked “Why are you  demonstrating?” many of them answer that the only reason is they don't like President Tump - which is not a justifiable reason to do what they do, even demonstrating peacefully.

But when they resort to burning the American flag, they believe that they have a Constitutional right, which certain Liberal judges in 1988 afforded them when they foolishly interpreted the Constitution as saying burning the U.S. is “free speech”. If you think about the gravity of what those Liberal judges did when they afforded any man or woman the “right” to burn the American flag: what they did was incite violent and hateful behaviour which should not be encouraged by judges, ever. I blame those U.S.Supreme Court Liberal judges of 1989 and 1990 on two amended rulings for actually encouraging its citizens to burn the U.S. flag when they naively and stupidly interpreted the U.S. Constitution to give them permission to burn the U.S. flag in the name of free speech.

So when you try and stop individuals and groups from burning the U S. flag, they say “It’s my Constitutional right to burn the American flag!”

But what’s even more absurd is some of these people burning U.S flags are not even U.S.citizens yet in the Leftist universe they want to give them all the U.S. Constitutional rights.  But whatever nationality they are, when they  obstruct innocent passersby and block law abiding traffic and citizens going about their daily business in their cars, burning public and private property as well as destroying, looting and breaking shop windows of both public and private property, they are no longer demonstrating but rather rioting - and there is a huge difference: one is peacefully and lawful demonstrating, while the other is rioting, which is against the law!  

To understand why burning a U.S. flag is perfectly legal in the U.S. we have to look back into its history. In 1989, the   U.S. Supreme Court first established flag burning as a protected First Amendment act in Texas v. Johnson. Back in 1984, Gregory Lee Johnson burned a flag at the Republican National Convention in Dallas in a protest about presidential candidates Ronald Reagan and Walter Mondale. Officials there arrested Johnson and convicted him of breaking a state law; he was sentenced to one year in prison and ordered to pay a $2,000 fine.  In June 1989, a deeply divided Court voted 5-4 in favor of Johnson, and against the state of Texas. Johnson’s actions, the majority argued, were symbolic speech political in nature and could be expressed even if it upset those who disagreed with him. The Court’s Johnson decision only applied to the law in the state of Texas. In response, Congress passed a national anti-flag burning law called the Flag Protection Act of 1989 sponsored by a House member from Texas. The final bill approved by the Senate in October 1989 made “it unlawful to maintain a U.S. flag on the floor or ground or to physically defile such flag.” The bill, however, asked for an expedited Supreme Court review to consider “constitutional issues arising under this Act.”

There were flag-burning protests the day the federal law went into effect in late October 1989. Arrests were made at protests in Seattle and Washington, D.C., but federal judges dismissed the charges based on the Johnson decision. Government lawyers appealed directly to the Supreme Court, and the same Justices who heard the Johnson case considered United States v. Eichman in May 1990 – with the same outcome.  In the majority were Justices William Brennan (who wrote both majority decisions), Anthony Kennedy, Thurgood Marshall, Harry Blackmun and Antonin Scalia. The dissenters were Chief Justice William Rehnquist, John Paul Stevens, Byron White and Sandra Day O’Connor.

These people passionately believe in free speech for everyone and anyone except those who disagree with them. And then they will do anything to stop the other opinion being expressed, they will do anything to shut them down, which is a real problem because if they cannot get their way they will even throw a tantrum, sit in the middle of the street, and start chanting their slogan or shout their universe's narrative, and they will even stop traffic and burn the U.S. flag and resort to violence, extreme violence, by placing a mask over their face and throwing things, barricading themselves into buildings and throwing fire-missiles, and causing as much public disturbance as they can.

But why have we come to this juncture where there is such turbulence on the streets? Because we are living in a world where two different interpretations of this universe exist. On the left they live in a universe far removed from the rest of us which is dialectically opposed to our universe -  our universe  governed by common sense and Natural Law,  and the laws of tolerance not intolerance;  If the truth be known these people who live in the universe which I call “Leftist” are the most intolerant people in the world.

When the current American President, Donald Trump, wants to ban certain countries, or actually seven who are all sponsors of terrorism, then the Leftist universe condemns his Executive Order as “racist", as “anti-muslim”, as “bigoted.” But that's because they only see the world according to the laws and opinions of their universe, and they will go to any lengths to protect their distorted worldview, and even distort the truth, and try to make our universe Topsy-Turvey,  where “right is wrong,” and “wrong is right” or where “wrong is a right to do!”

For example, the Liberals call anyone who says we should protect our borders as “fascist” or “racist” or “Islamophobic”. They call anyone whose conscience, religion and Bible says that when men exchange sexual relations with fellow men, or women exchange sexual relations with fellow women as being against nature and so outlawed by both Natural Law and all religious Holy Scriptures in all the majority religions of this world, they brand such people as “bigots”, as  “homophobic”; and if any religious laws protect that expression as religious expression, then their own laws of anti-discrimination are given preferential consideration and whose rights are superseded in Federal courts today; and that’s why we have seen and heard about Christian bakers, florists and photographers being sanctioned and fined money for expressing their First and Second Amendments - being fined huge amounts of money, and even some of them being forced to go out of business because their views collide with local employment and industrial laws when Liberal judges deem their own Leftist universe or worldview as more important.

Everyone is given rights in their universe, and whenever religious rights compete with their universe’s rights, they call it anti-their universe; for example, they brand any religious rights as anti-gay or anti-LGBT.  And these people will do anything to keep the other universe’s citizens from having their free speech. 

Even when those Christian bakers, florists and photographers were just expressing their most cherished religious beliefs and conscience which is Constitutionally protected, they are fined and sanctioned; as far back as the ratification of the Ten Bill of Rights religious expression has been protected by the American Constitution as long as the citizens were not engaged in violence or other illegal activity; in the case of today, even one Christian baker-couple were served with a gagging order, stripping them of their First and Second Amendment rights.  Of course, which the Leftist universe brand as “hate-speech.”

Yet, the universe these people live in is a universe and mindset which is very naive in its approach to this world. In the name of human rights, they want to allow anyone who wants to live in this country a chance to live here but for some reason they don’t want to admit that America has enemies overseas, because, for them, in the universe they live in, there is no enemies because we all live in the “global village.” And if there are individuals or religions that want to do us harm or want to kill us, then in their universe these people can be appeased, be persuaded and disarmed by their human right arguments. In their universe,  any LGBT right is wrongfully interpreted as being part of the Civil Rights Movement originating from the 1960’s. And they want to confer rights on all people coming to live in the U.S. even undocumented illegal immigrants, because in their world there is no such thing as race or borders so there are no illegal immigrants in their universe.

They want to give all Muslims all their U.S. Constitutional rights, Muslims who live by a different set of laws called the Sharia Law who want to replace our laws and values with their Sharia law; even these naive Leftists and Liberals are willing to give Muslims the Constitutional right under the U.S. Constitution to replace the U.S.Constitution with their Muslim Sharia Law, a law which wants to overrule our U.S. laws with their own laws, who want to dominate the world with Sharia Law, which allows and encourages marrying nine year olds and committing peodofilia, which is all encouraged and taught in their “holy Quran”, which teaches cutting off the fingers and heads of those who don't believe in Allah or his prophet, Mohammed; and which teaches and forces women that they have no rights and so can be raped under Sharia Law by their husband.

And the Liberals are inspired for some reason to see Muslims demonstrate on our streets in the name of free speech, wearing their headscarves and demanding the same rights as every citizen, as we witnessed them march in that “March for Women”, even if they are illegal immigrants, and the Liberals didn’t see anything wrong with them demonstrating and demanding Sharia Law in this country in the name of equality and “Women’s rights”.  In fact in their universe, it’s their “Constitutional right”, which actually is a gross misnomer because in the Muslim world there is no such thing as rights for women, as they don’t have any rights; and that’s why you have the absurd occurrence of one of the leaders of that Woman’s March last month in Washington, actually being a Muslim leader of a Muslim organisation who has ties with a terrorist group called “Hamas”, yet to the Liberals she is a freedom-fighter. That is the kind of universe these Liberals and Leftists live in. A universe governed by such absurd and naive notions that anyone can exist side by side with anyone else, except, of course, unless you are a Jew or a Christian. That’s why we saw the bizarre yet sad sight of when a man was waving an ISIS flag, he was applauded by fellow demonstrators at the University of California, but when a man started waving a flag of Israel, he was shut down.

They are willing to allow Muslims into the country who want to set up their own self-government called Sharia Law, like they are doing now and demand on the streets in London, in public marches carrying placards with the words, “ISLAM WILL DOMINATE THE WORLD” and no police arrest them for inciting violence; and the Leftists naively demand that any people of any religion who wants to live in this nation, even illegally, can come to live, even though Islam has at least two factions of political ideology that want to take over the world because they are a political ideology dressed up as a self-serving religion as their Founder, Mohammed was himself self-deceived by demons.

Have you noticed around half of the population of the U.S. are living their existence in such a Leftists universe far removed from reality? In their universe there is no such thing as race, as borders or nations, even gender; in their universe there is no such thing as male or female, girl or boy, because, of course, in their universe every law and even all of nature’s laws are superseded by their own thinking and mindset, because in their universe everything is relative.

In their universe, just as those naive and self-deceived Liberal judges in 1988 stupidly interpreted the Constitution as giving anyone the right to burn the U.S. flag, those Liberals will allow in their absurd universe their so called citizens and anyone to shout in the street and chant, ““Death to America!” in the name of free speech; and these people will demand that its citizens allow any people to come and live in the U.S. because anyone is conferred rights under the US. Constitution; and if the Liberals are allowed to make and misinterpret our laws and manipulate the Constitution as something of wax, then in a few years time millions of Muslims will be marching and killing in our streets and chanting publicly, “Death to America!" as well as “Death to Israel!” MARK MY WORDS!

For example, after eight years of subjecting the   U.S to this kind of universe where the left demand that everyone lives according to their narrative and every law is interpreted according to the universe they want to live in, looks what’s happened: They believe that our laws can be tweaked and changed according to their worldview and mindset. That if something needs to be added or taken away in a certain law to protect their Leftist laws, any law can be tweaked; if it helps their universe come to our universe then that’s okay. This is what Obama did again and again, he bypassed Congress and even slightly tweaked existing laws.

For example, on May 13, 2016, President Obama instructed the Department of Education and Justice to write a letter to all fifty States education authorities to inform them that an old law called “Title IX law” of 1979 which President Nixon had amended and which on June 23, 1972,  Nixon signed meant no federal money and programs for use in education in all fifty states could be used to discriminate on the basis of sexual-orientation or gender. Therefore, President Obama changed the word “sex” into “sexual orientation.” Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, is a comprehensive federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity. The principal objective of Title IX is to avoid the use of federal money to support sex discrimination in education programs and to provide individual citizens effective protection against those practices.  So without the authority of Congress, Obama moved our world into the strange world of the Liberals’ universe where any boy or girl can choose their gender because in their universe everyone's gender is according to their thinking and sexual preference; and so with the stroke of his pen, or by changing the word “sex” into “sexual orientation” he started a sexual orientation revolution and commanded in the name of human rights that all gender is in the state of fluidity because of course in his universe any boy can be a girl, any girl can be a boy, any man can be a woman, and any woman can be man, because what is more important is what is between their ears not between their legs.

For example, these Liberals believe that there is no such person as an illegal immigrant or even a foreigner, for in their universe there is no such person as an alien or foreigner, there is no race; and even if those people which the Conservatives call "illegal immigrants" exist, that problem can be solved if we give those millions of undocumented people a green card so that when they join the rest of our community and become fully fledged citizens with rights, they also can vote like the rest of us; this is the Mindset and universe these Liberals come from, and this is the reason why the previous president of the U.S. advocates that all illegal immigrants can vote; because this is the universe they live in.That’s why last November 2016 you had the absurd scene of President Obama instructing illegal citizens how to vote.

Look what happened in Germany when a kind man allowed certain refugees into his house but they beat him to death. And these Liberals in their universe want to protect even those Muslims because, of course in their universe, all people deserve to be protected.

And there are Mayors in a number of U.S. Cities with a policy so called, “Sanctuary Cities.” One particular Mayor in Chicago said he will allow his City's money to be released to pay for their lawyers to protect and defend and help any criminals to be defended in court, to be helped to go free - criminals, rapists, killers or any illegal immigrants and other outlaws, no matter how many crimes they have committed or how grotesque those crimes are, or how many lives they have destroyed or killed, even how many times they have been sent back, or how many times they crossed the border from Mexico, and they have reoffended after crossing back into the U.S.
And so these “Sanctuary Cities" are breeding grounds for crime and the only people they protect are the criminals.

Take the other example of the so called, "Sanctuary  Cities”, “Sanctuary” means a place of safety, but those places don't mean sanctuary for the innocent and law-abiding citizens of Chicago but safety and protection for the outlaws of society which the law -abiding citizens should be expected or asked to pay their hard-earned tax to pay for their lawyers and food and shelter etc. And those Mayors who live in their own Leftist universe want the rest of the population to live in their universe pursuing a false utopia where everyone lives together in harmony and everyone is given their Civil human rights.

And certain Cities are now living in their universe where illegal immigrants who are even multiple offenders are allowed to stay and gain protection from the state lawyers and be given full process of the law, just because the Mayor happens to live in such a Leftist universe where everyone is given their rights.

But what they don't seem to understand is such a worldview is extremely naive, that if you give these bad people or people who are on the way  leaning towards living a renegade life, if you give them an inch they will take a light-year, and just because you give them the benefit of the doubt and manipulate the Constitution by changing a word here and there and so giving illegal immigrants their rights, then what happens is they are ones, they are the thousands who are pouring through our borders, who are trying to bring their own Sharia law and replace our Constitution with the Sharia Law.

The Leftist universe believes if you give and pay for a lawyers to defend them in court they will begin to act as law abiding citizens, not as hardened criminals. Even hardened criminals who are repeat offenders who repeatedly cross the border and are smuggling drugs and even kill should be given their full human rights, and they are given "sanctuary" in those Sanctuary Cities. And so they are released into society because, of course, the universe these Liberals live in is a society that confers rights on all people, even illegal immigrants who repeatedly offend, run drug smuggling networks, kill, kidnap, rape and burn down buildings; they believe all people who have entered into the U.S. illegally should be given a green card or full citizenship, and that everyone should be conferred their rights except the Jews and the Christians who for some strange reason these  people from that Topsy-Turvy universe despise because THEY LIVE IN A UNIVERSE NOT GOVERNED BY TRUTH  BUT BY THE PURSUIT OF A UTOPIA WHICH DOESN'T EXIST. A naive and a idealistic universe built on naivety and a whimsical world-view that all people on this planet can exist together where Love not hate is supposed to calm everyone down. Well, that will certainly be a world that comes into existence in our next new world, when the pride of the human heart has been destroyed, but certainly not in this world because within the heart of man, if left to his or her unfettered lusts, fears and folly, they will resort to violence and hate to get their own way, unless of course the heart of man humbles himself and acknowledges that he is woefully inadequate and in need of God’s forgiveness, healing and great Love to come into every heart, so that truly Love and Light can extinguish darkness and hatred, which only God’s power and Love can do.  

These people are, I think, sincere in their beliefs but wholly naive and even self-deceived,and if they are allowed to make our laws and legislate from our benches, THIS WORLD IS DOOMED BY ISLAM AND THE OTHER FORCES OF EVIL; for they believe that they can choose the way our universe should change into the kind of universe and worldview they believe they live in; AND EVENTUALLY THEIR UNIVERSE WILL IMPLODE because you cannot sustain a universe which welcomes Islam, of which is a political organisation within the guise of a religion that wants TO DOMINATE THE WORLD WITH ISLAM.

These Liberals live in a universe where they think people will become reasonable if you give them their human rights. They live in a universe where there are no borders or race, no gender, none of nature’s laws or what our world used to be governed under, called the Natural Law and Bible principles; but now, every law and opinion is relative according to each personal view, except of course the point of view which they do not agree with.

For example, for some strange, sincere, and I think even noble reason, they think that the answer to all our social problems of crime, social disorder, dissension, every problem can be resolved if we treat people with respect and give them the human rights they deserve and which they say they are entitled to under the Constitution - even illegal immigrants.

And the answer to the problem which they do not necessarily call a problem or deny that it is a problem in their universe of which Conservatives call "illegal immigrants” is to give them a green card and if they have committed crime, any crime, they should be afforded their full rights under the Constitution, because the Constitution which exists in their universe is a Constitution which affords every person on this planet with rights under the Constitution, and in fact  the U.S. Constitution is designed to confer human rights on every citizen of this planet, because actually the universe they live in is a world where there is no separate borders or countries and nations but one Government and world law where the ultimate utopia is obtained if we give all people their "Constitutional rights.”

And that's the reason those 9th Circuit judges, who are all Liberals left over from the Obama administration, ruled that the U.S. President Trump Executive action was unconstitutional because it did not allow the full process of law for all these people coming from those seven banned nations on the grounds that they deemed those bans as affecting the family relations of U.S. citizens. Even though, under the Constitution, President Trump has the authority as an equal Executive Branch of government to ban those seven nations which sponsor terrorism which, under the Constitution, President Trump has the Power as the Executive branch of government to write Executive Orders if it is to protect American lives and safety; but the Leftists and Liberals want to shred that part of the Constitution and call the President of the U.S.A. as being “anti-Constitutional" for not giving Constitutional rights to foreigners, which actually, the U.S. Constitution does not give to foreigners. So those judges wrongly applied the Constitution in this matter because the U.S. rights are only given and apply to American citizens. Instead in the Leftist universe call President Trump’s actions as “He’s shredding the Constitution!”

Take the example of illegal immigrants penetrating the United States border and committing crime, in the universe the liberals live in, they think that if we give these individuals our rights and citizenship, they will suddenly be enlightened to see the light and turn away from their life of crime and join society. But it doesn't work like that, that exists in the land of cuckoo-land where cuckoos fly over that nest constantly.

Sometimes, I wonder which direction those dear ones who have their heads and feet pointed towards the left want to take the rest of us, or force the rest of us to go by their intimidation, threats and violence where they are going, or even what kind of world they think they can live in? Sometimes, I wonder if they know that the universe they are aspiring to live in actually doesn't exist - a universe where there is no such thing as race, as fixed gender, or a world without borders, even without the concept of male or female, or even family;  or maybe they want to live or are already living in another universe, a universe next door; a world where everyone is the same race, where there are no pronouns of “he," “she,’" or  “her” and “him” and where there is even no gender - what kind of world do they want to live in because it will never exist in this world but only in the next world, a world of peace and goodwill to all men, women and children.

By Chris Briscoe


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