In an Age when Political Correctness is Terrorizing, What can we do?

An Article 
By Chris Briscoe

A Freedom Fighter to Express Responsible Political Incorrectness.

In an age when Political Correctness is the excuse for taking away people's rights to free speech, those of us who still have the courage to speak our minds need a new kind of Vernacular (spoken language vocabulary) dictionary; especially, when the politically Left leaning and those individuals or groups who are offended at the slightest discomfort in their feelings (the so called Snowflakes) use their words such as "Islamophobic" to shut down any free speech which even reasonably questions Islam (but when "the shoe is on the other foot" and people question Christianity, we don't shout, "Christophobic" and call the police and report a "hate crime").

To shut down other people's free speech - even if it's true - therefore all free speech is stifled in such a highly charged atmosphere of fear and political correctness, and all healthy and reasonable debate is thrown out of the window!

In the last 30 years, the British Establishment (the Government, the police, the Social Services, the Judicial system) has been taken over by Political Correctness in order to hide the consquences of their failed multiculturalism experiment. The consequence is we are gradually having our free speech taken away by several "hate speech laws". Now, if you ask even reasonable questions about Islam - for example, "Why does the Quran justify killing and violence in over 120 verses?" you speech will be condemned as "Religious Hate Speech" and you will be called out an "Islamophobe".
However, when "the shoe is on the other foot" and Christianity is criticised, nobody calls them out on "Religious Hate Crime" or calls them "Christophobe".It means the British Establishment is either so afraid to be called "racist" or the forces of political Islam i.e.Caliphate, have infiltrated all the echelons of the British Establishment.



Therefore, we need new words in such a dictionary to represent the conservative, leaning Right as well as the Left.

So down below you can find a new Dictionary of words used by not just the Leftists to shut down honest and  truthful speech.We need a new updated dictionary to accommodate these new Lefty words invented by the Left; and moreover, we also need to bring balance in the debate and not just have a Dictionary of Vernacular of Leftist and new Snowflakes' words which just reflect their mind, and their side of the universe - that would be a distortion of reality and truth.

For example, "free speech-phobia" or "free-speech phobic", "free-debate phobic", even "Truthophobic",  or "different universe philia". Also, "Christophobic," "Judaismphobic". We also need to remember that our contemporary Dictionary already has words Conservatives can use, coined by George Orwell in his Novel, "1984". Such as "Big Brother", "Thought Police","Doublespeak", "Telescreen" etc. But you can add to these, or maybe you would like to add to the already politically Left-leaning Vocabulary -feel free to post your ideas in the Comments below (as long as they are clean - but if they are from the Left, they are always offensive to Conservatives - right?)

And then there's that Dreadful Word used by people to shut down even peaceful and reasonable arguments on Islam: 
"Islamophobia" and its other word to condemn anyone who makes even the remotest disparaging comment on Islam: "Islamophobic".

Therefore, we need new words in this dictionary for the Rightists - those people who are right leaning in their politics; Conservative minded people, not just the left making all the new words to shut down perfectly reasonable discussions. And when reasonable minded people ask good questions such as, "Can we talk about one particular brand or theology of Islam called Jihad which believes that Islam's mission is the complete domination of the world?" why is their free speech shut down? Is this not a good question, then why do people shut down such a question with the word, "You must be an Islamophobe"?

I have a friend of mine who lives in the world of literature called Dermot Deplorable who wants to help me make such a dictionary to counter the "Dictionary of Politically Correct Words" which the Left use to shut down the Right's free speech-who have been called the deplorables.Thus, Dermot Deplorable thought it was high time that there was a new dictionary for this new era of political correctness where all these new politically correct words and ideas could be correlated and a new dictionary to accommodate the Right called, "The Dictionary of Politically Incorrect Words. But let me allow Dermot to explain more:

"Well, for a start we need a new, updated dictionary to accommodate these new Lefty words invented by the Left, and moreover, we also need to bring balance in the debate and not just have a Dictionary of the modern Vernacular of Leftist and Snowflake's words, which just reflect their world and their mind, and their perspective of their side of the universe - that would be a distortion of reality and truth."

For example, that word, "Islamophobia", which is a gross misnomer because, if you think about it, there's actually nothing wrong with being concerned about a strand of religion which believes that a Muslim can kill and maim, and blow up stadiums in the name of Allah (the Muslim god).  

So those words, “Islamophobia” and “Islamophobic” are misapplied names for the following reasons:

1."Islamophobia" which is actually a misapplied word because some people have a real and reasonable concern about Islam which is not a "phobia".

2. When people use those words, "Islamophobia" and "Islamophobic" the problem is people just don't know what that word means, because the people who invented that word, "Islamophobia" had never given it a definition of what it meant. So we need a brand new dictionary of these brand new words and concepts, and what they mean.For example, that word, "Islamophobia" still has not been defined.  I know the Leftists believe vehemently in free speech, unless that free speech disagrees with their free speech, in which case they believe they can shut it down, some of them even using any means of violence - but we all know that it is wrong to use violence to get one's way - but the problem is many of these Leftists chose deception and violence to drive their agenda rather than be guided by their moral code and conscience, now that the moral compass which kept us mored amid the sea of relativism - so that we could discern the difference between right and wrong - has been thrown out of the window (illustration)

3.The word "Islamophobia" has been made by taking two words, Islam and phobia. The word "phobia" means in the current modern dictionary, an unreasonable fear of something. But what is there unreasonable about being concerned about a certain strand of Islam called Wahhabism that believes in a political jihadist Islam, that their religion is a political religion which is taking over the entire world and they believe that the 'holy scriptures' written by Muhammad from Medina can be taken as literal - otherwise you have to throw out over 99% of these texts written in Medina - but that would be preposterous, because then you would have to ask all Muslims to tear up half of their Quran or reject half of their "holy Quran".

After all, who would not be concerned about these people who actually are interpreting their scriptures at face value and who say they are just following or obeying what Muhammad ordered them  to do in the name of  Allah? Who believe that in Islam there is only two houses in this world- the house of Islam and the house of war. That word, "Islam" means "submit" in Arabic, - and so any community which contains individuals who believe in Islam falls into the sphere of submission, otherwise, the rest of the world is described as the house of war.

Therefore, they believe that their Quran justifies them to kill and blow up concert stadiums and create bloodbaths and carnage for Allah, because, there are over one hundred verses calling for violence against the unbelievers, Jews and Christians.

Why don't the politicians see the connection between Islam and violence when there are at least one hundred verses in the Quran condoning violence?

So for politicians such as the previous Prime Minister of Britain to stand up and say "There is no justification for this killing in the Quran" shows they haven't read the Quran, because if he spoke from doing research, rather than ignorance, he would realize that there are over a hundred such verses which justify violence "in the name of Allah" (and please, this is different from Christianity, because in Christianity, Christians have chosen what is called the "new Covenant" of how to live - not in the Old Testament of "an eye for an eye" but under the new law of the Spirit of God giving them power to forgive and love working through the Spirit of God - which is different from the Muslims who believe and practice violent political Islam in contemporary day because Christians no longer practice the law of  retribution of "an eye for an eye" ).

Thus, we need words or the Rightist's need their mind represented; for example, to balance that word “Islamophobia” we need the word, “Islamophilia", meaning being so scared of being branded a "racist" or "Islamophobic," they will never say or accommodate anyone saying anything remotely disparaging or negative about the religion of Islam which they call, "the religion of peace".

We need new words which reflect the Leftist world but we also need the other side of the argument - the other way of looking at the world, and so we need new words coined by the Right, to bring a more balanced vernacular - it's no good just having a dictionary of politically correct words written by the Leftists, we also need the Rightists to input their words so as to reflect the true reality of this world - for a balanced view of both Left politics and Right politics - otherwise such a dictionary would be grossly distorted and out of shape.

One such Dictionary I might use is called, “Dermot's Dictionary of Politically Correct words used by the Politically Correct and Politically Incorrect”.

Dermot Deplorable thought it was high time that a new kind of Dictionary was available for everyone.Dermot Dingle lived at a time when political correctness had become a fully blown cultural citizen-eating monster - meaning in today's politically correct era, people had been so coerced into not speaking honestly and from their true mind, because of the fear of offending someone - for fear of being arrested by the thought police. It is is called political correctness, or being politically correct, but the real honest word is being so scared that your words are going to be used against you, so you are too scared or cowardly to say the truth and challenge the status quo.  

It has to do with feelings more than real words - even perceptions - people's perceptions of what they think you said. Even when you never intended to say anything offensive or intended to hurt another person's feelings, but the important point is whether another person perceived it as that - even if they were wrong - and even if a third person not related to the conversation perceives your words and thoughts as offensive. And in this politically correct, stifling atmosphere, where the fear of hurting one's feelings, and where the thought police were breathing down your neck, these Left-leaning people had invented an entire new Vernacular of words, called, for example, “The Politically Balanced Dictionary of words”.

This is the Finish of my Thoughts on Political Correctness, but if you enjoyed Reading “1984” by George Orwell, then please read my new book, called, “2024, Warning 1984 Appearing". You can download the e-mail version for $2.99 (the first picture) or Print version (the second picture) @
2024 년 : 1984 년 출현 경고2024 년 : 경고 : 1984 년 출현 

In an era when Political Correctness has created more problems than solutions, we don't need more "hate laws" to silence the truth. These days, what used to be perfectly reasonable discussions are now called, "hate speech." In a world where Political Correctness is taking away our rights to question and speak freely, the truth is "hate speech." It looks very much like the Orwellian era predicted by George Orwell in his "Dystopia." Orwell wrote, "In an age of deception, the truth is revolutionary."   

I wrote my latest book, called "2024: WARNING 1984 APPEARING" which gives a warning of how in  Britain today, on its current trajectory, we are heading for 1984 - by the year 2024.You can download it at this Article I wrote, here, for $2.99This is what we can do.If you have a heart to fight back, in love,of course, please download,"2024".

(my other thoughts-Blog is on the next Article, below, on how to plug yourself into God)


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